Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
If am in every moment (I am!) then every step you take is with me, I am a part of every conversation you have and every moment is sacred. I know it doesn’t always feel sacred when you’re knee deep in specifics and worrying about how you’re going to get everything done. In those moments I need you to take a deep breath. Pause and recognise my presence in that moment too. And when you’re finding it hard to recognise me in that moment, ask me to open your eyes.
I am sharing my heart with you, walking this life out with you, leading and guiding you. You won’t always feel me but you can know that I am always with you because I promised to never leave you, never forsake you.
This isn’t about if I am with you therefore. This is about helping you to see me. I am in the sunrise. I am in the smile from a stranger. I am in the laughter of a small child. I am in the sunshine catching your eye as it bounces off the car. I am in the changing colours of the leaves. I am in you and all my children.
There is so much more going on here than you can possibly know but it’s time for you to start to recognise your part in my creation. Yes, do the things you need to do, I don’t want you getting lost in thoughts of the life to come such that you miss the impact in today.
And at the same time, know that everything you do today has consequences into eternity. You make a difference, simply by being you - being you with me. This life is not all there is and I’m inviting you to come and play with things that are the building blocks of the life to come.
And yes, I know that makes little sense to you. You don’t need to understand everything in order to say yes because you can trust me. And those moments when it feels hard to trust? Talk to me about that too. I love you and there isn’t anything that we can’t talk about, remember?