Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Lift up your eyes to the hills. Where does your strength come from? Your strength comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. When the pressures of life start to feel like they might crush you, that’s the time to look up.
You need a bigger, more vivid and powerful vision of Jesus. When you feel overwhelmed, ask me what I’m inviting you to leave with me because you don’t need to carry everything. And there are some battles that aren’t yours to fight. Let me show you what’s yours and we can fight together.
Together is key. Yes, again. I know you think you know this and you do but you’re prone to forget when things start to get busy. Allow yourself to dream with me and when I give you a picture that feels far bigger than you can imagine being able to cope with, rejoice!
You won’t be coping alone, you’ll be thriving with me. Allow me to show you my sweet spot for you. It is a beautiful, glorious place to live from.
In some seasons you’re going to feel a disconnect between where you are right now and the vision I’m inviting you step into. Don’t fight the tension. Instead, give that to me too. Let me show you how you can thrive in this moment, even when things are still in transition.
Because every promise I gave you is yes and amen. I haven’t changed my mind. I never try and pull a fast one. There’s no bait and switch with me. Every promise is yes and amen, of that you can be certain, so refuse to worry and instead keep looking to me. I am the solution to all worry and weariness. I’m also the solution to good character. Yes, the complete package because yes, I am that good!
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