Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Why are you believing that some things in your life must be difficult or trying? Yes, areas of life in this current age are less than my best but that doesn’t mean that everything must be taxing. What if I gave you a great big dose of my faith for some of those challenging areas? What if you believed like I believe?
I know the end from the beginning, yes, so you might argue that that gives me an unfair advantage but I’m not keeping my advantage to myself. I want to share my advantage with you! Partner with me in all areas of your life, but especially the challenging pieces, and allow me to share ideas, solutions and blueprints with you.
I am incredibly creative! Some of my ideas will be different to what seems logical and that’s where trust comes in. Do you trust that I really know what I’m doing? Do you trust that I’m moving in all things for your good? If you do then it becomes easy to simply hear me and move as I move.
But first, we need to deal with your faith. You’re believing me for some wonderful promises and you need help in your unbelief. Ask me to show you those promises that are “done” from my perspective. Yes, I know we’ve explored this before but when your faith is wavering a reminder is always helpful.
Ask me to show you the promises that are done from my perspective and ask me about the areas of your life where I want to share my faith with you. Yes, lots to explore. I have so much to share with you, this is merely the tip of the iceberg, but start here with promises and faith. And don’t be in a hurry to rush past this moment. Linger here.
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