Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Pause in this moment with me. I hear and feel your sense of anticipation and yes, I am moving and it is good to pause in this moment. You can’t rush the process and it’s better to pause here with me than to stress yourself out trying to force something that isn’t quite ready.
Yes, I’m teaching you patience in this moment and I understand that you don’t like it but do you trust me? I know what you need. Have I ever let you down? I don’t always show up in the way you expect but have I ever failed you?
Pause in this moment with me then and recognise that as you do so, I am preparing you, strengthening you and equipping you. You’re not lazy just because you’re not pushing forward in the way the world wants you to. My measuring scale is unfathomable. I don’t calculate the way the world’s system calculates. I am in the business of multiplication and that requires readiness, hence the pausing.
How much longer? I hear you dear one, the cries and groans of your heart. You feel you’ve waited so long, been so patient. My invitation remains the same … pause in this moment with me. Allow me to bring you into a deeper understanding of my love. You are going to need it for what I have in mind for us.
Love for you and love for the people you do life with. And the friends you haven’t met yet. I have so much love to share, let’s not limit it!
Pause with me in this moment and allow me to fill you with my love. Ask me what the expression of that love will look like as you step outside your door today. Be open to my love, those whispers and nudges, and let me love the world through you.
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