Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
I’m in every single moment with you. I love it when we have dedicated “us” time of course but don’t beat yourself up when life gets busy. Instead, bring the busy to me. Let me help you understand which pieces are for now, which are for later, and which can be safely discarded.
And when you have a lot going on, remember that I’m with you in each and every one of those moments too. When you’re aware of my presence, you give me permission to move in new and unexpected ways.
What if you let me help you build a lifestyle of expectancy? A life where you expected me to be communicating with you all of the time and, as such, it became easy to hear me? Because you can hear me and I am always speaking to you - understanding that “hear” and “speaking” are limited words that cover so much more than just speech.
What if those random nudges were me? The thoughts that pop in your head seemingly out of the blue? Pause and consider that that might be me, more often than you realise. I am living in you, remember. There’s no barrier between us. Me in you and you in me. It’s time to take me at my word and expect me to be talking to you.
To you and with you. I want this to be a conversation, a part of our relationship, a chance for us to grow together. You think I have the advantage because I already know the end from the beginning. That’s true but what if you played my advantage as your own and allowed me to work with you, from the place of my knowing? I want that to be our reality, together.
I would love to explore and build and create with you, moving my blueprints and designs from heaven to earth. Live a lifestyle of expectancy and we can do that, together.
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