Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Stick with me. I know you don’t understand all the things that are happening right now or how everything fits within the plan and purpose I have for your life but I need you to simply trust me. Trust me and keep being intentional about how you do life with me. I told you before that not everyone is going to understand and that’s okay. You’re not here to persuade anyone. Do life with me, intentionally, and trust that I know what I’m doing.
I know what I’m doing and I’m preparing something incredible, beyond all your expectations. Why? Because I love you and I have promised you, more than once, that in all things I will act for your good.
When you find yourself in the face of conflict or misunderstanding, take that as your cue to lean into me even closer. Ask me to show you what I’m doing, how I’m moving. I won’t always show you the details but be assured that I am acting.
Remember too that the people who come against you are my children too. They love me and I love them and I am acting in all these things for their good too. Yes, I am very capable of acting for your good and the good of those who seek to silence you. That is possible and you don’t need to worry about how.
The most important part in all of this is that you stick with me. Fix your eyes on Jesus. He was criticised and misunderstood too, on more than one occasion, so you’re in great company! His secret was to only speak and act as I nudged Him. What if I helped you to do the same? I know it doesn’t always feel easy but I can help you, I want to help you.
Stick with me. Watch how I move and operate. Let me love you and love through you. And prepare to be amazed. This is not the end. The adventure is only just getting started!
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