Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
I want to do life with everyone, the whole world! Yes, this invitation for relationship is inclusive and vast. I have a huge capacity for love because I am love. And right now that’s not possible because not everyone wants or even recognises me in their life. Guess what happens when you do life with me? You hold space for relationship with me within those people in your life who don’t yet let me love them.
Catch what I said … you hold space within them for me. As they let you love them, they’re letting me love them, albeit from a distance. And yes, of course I’d much prefer to love them directly, all of us in one great, big, happy dance of connection, and that day is coming, but in the meantime, you stand in the gap.
Please don’t ever lose sight of just how important our relationship is. Important for you and us and important for the wider world around you. You see the things that could be so much better, areas where you’d love to see me move. Our relationship is key to that movement because I choose to act through you and others like you who let me love them.
And that’s why you really can’t get weary in well doing. You sometimes feel like you’re the one who always speaks peace into situations and it exhausts you. Stop trying to rely on your own abilities and instead, allow me to flow through you. Always doing life with me and being even more intentional about asking me for help when you’re about to step into a trying situation.
I have all the answers, all the solutions you need - both for you and the world around you - so what if you got really intentional today about seeking me and my heart for all things and all circumstances?