Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
Don’t give up! Those days when you feel like throwing in the towel and walking away, it’s so important to remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. You’re not going to see the impact of everything you’re doing, at least not right away, but that doesn’t make it any less valuable or needed.
When you’re feeling discouraged, the enemy will leap on those thoughts and try and magnify them. Take every thought captive! Remember who you are and Whose you are. Press in to the promises that are yes and amen. What have I already told you is done from my perspective? Linger there. Focus on what I’m doing, what I’ve already done, and how I have never let you down, ever.
This moment of discouragement will pass and you don’t have to be ruled by those feelings. However, is it possible that what you’re really craving is time away with me? Peace and quiet and spaciousness to simply be? What needs to happen to make that possible? Can we go for a walk? Have an early night? A bath?
As you step into everything I have for you, as you’re serving others, loving others well, it’s important to make time for refreshment and refilling. You cannot serve others if your tank is depleted!
As such, what if you saw those feelings of discouragement as simply a reminder of the need for refuelling? That’s so much healthier than assuming that those feelings of discouragement mean there’s something wrong with you!
You’re not broken, you are a new creation and moment by moment, day by day, you are being transformed. The best, most effective way for that transformation to happen is in relationship with me. Taking every thought captive and asking me to shine the light of my love and truth on it. That’s the solution for those days, or moments in days, when everything feels a lot. Don’t give up. Instead, give in to my love.