Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
I’m not a genie in a bottle or a slot machine where you put your coins in, press a series of buttons and out pops a surprise, right on cue! Yes, there are ways that you and I spend time together and that’s great but you don’t have to jump through a series of hoops to be with me.
And similarly, I’m not always going to show up in the way you expect me to. “Show up” implies that I’ve gone somewhere. We’re always together, you and I. We can be in conversation, in community, in love, all of the day, any day. And sometimes I’m going to surprise you. In fact, if I stop surprising you, take a moment to consider if you’re really listening!
I am God. And I am your friend and I want to be known by you, as intimately as you know your closest confidante, but I am not predictable. I am not boring. I don’t run to a script or a blueprint. This thing we have going on is an adventure! Mundane or tedious it is not!
And of course there are repetitive aspects of your day or your week but together there is joy, pleasure and delight to be found, even in the midst of the mundane. If that sounds impossible to you, that means you’re trying to willpower your way through a day. This isn’t about striving to see the joy.
Instead, this is about jumping feet first into the lake of my love, holding my hand while together we squeal with wild abandon! Don’t hold back. My love and delight in you is infectious. Embrace life! Tumble with me into this brand new day and together we can have a ball.
And remember, this isn’t you and me to the exclusion of everyone else. I dance with you daily and I want our dance to be like one great big gala. All of us dancing together in a community of love. The more the merrier!