Your life of faith is about so much more than where you go on a Sunday - and yes, I know you know this and it’s time to explore what life is really about. All of life is a life of faith. Every moment, every conversation, is a prayer. I am with you in every moment of every day, moving as you move, so what if you recognised my ever-presentness in everything?
You know it logically but it’s still too easy to forget that everything you do today, everywhere you go, every word you speak, is an opportunity to be in relationship with me.
There is nothing you will do or think about today that I don’t have an opinion on or interest in. Yes, even those little details that feel far removed from your understanding of “spiritual.” I don’t make the distinction you make. I am in you, in all of your life, so what if you consciously, deliberately engaged me in all things?
“Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything, every circumstance and situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your specific requests known to God.” Philippians 4:6 AMP
Journal prompt: Where in my life do I tend to slip into autopilot rather than engaging with you?