Welcome to the weekend! How's your week been? What's gone well? What are you thankful for? Pause right now and take a moment to think about the pieces this week that have put a smile on your face.
And for bonus points, share what you’re celebrating in the comments. We love to celebrate with you!
It’s a super quick wrap email this week (although longer than the one you’re not going to get next Saturday. Normal weekend wrap service will resume on the 15th!) because I’m away.
However, I wanted to pop into your inbox with a couple of quick things:
Firstly, we published the final episode of season 8 the Youier podcast this week. Click here to catch up via the YouTube playlist or to listen via your fave podcasting app, click here. I hope you’ve enjoyed season 8. I anticipate being back with season 9 in September - more on that over the summer!
Secondly, just a little house-keeping note: If you’re a paid subscriber and you’re also a member of The Blue House (because you get both for one monthly contribution) there’s a good change you’re getting this weekend wrap email and the one from directly inside The Blue House with your Zoom replay links. You don’t really need both so I’d recommend clicking here to update your account settings and choosing to unsubscribe from these Heaven & El weekend wrap emails.
And with that said, that's a wrap for this weekend. I'll be back on Monday with your next Holy Spirit love note.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Much love, El xox