You are my precious child, loved and adored since before the creation of the world, and Jesus is my son, my firstborn, so yes, Jesus is your big brother. Consider what big brothers love to do … lead by example and go first to show the way.
Okay no, not all older siblings do that but Jesus isn’t just any sibling. He’s not interested in hurting you or putting bugs in your shoes. He won’t play unkind tricks on you or boss you around. Jesus is the ultimate big brother, the very best!
Look to Jesus when you’re feeling uncertain. He really is your ultimate role model and best of all, you don’t have to try and guess “what would Jesus do?” You can look to his life and ask, “what did Jesus do?” And lean on his love gift, your teacher, helper and guide, Holy Spirit.
Moment by moment, day by day, doing life with your big brother. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
“I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will declare to you what is to come.” John 16:12+13 BSB
Journal prompt: Jesus, what is on your heart for me today?