You understand in the physical that not all discomfort means “stop”. When you try new things or move your body in unfamiliar ways, you understand and expect some discomfort.
And you don’t get it right every, single time. You have to fall down a lot before you can walk, let alone run. If a young child stopped just because they didn’t master walking at their very first attempt, you’d be surrounded by immobile humans!
Why is this so much harder to embrace as an adult? In all of life, both physical and spiritual, I don’t recognise the distinction like you do, you’re going to experience discomfort. The only way not to experience discomfort is to refuse to grow - and when you’re not growing, you’re dying!
Embrace the discomfort as a sign that you are growing. Embrace and even celebrate those growing pains because that’s where victory and living your full purpose is to be found.
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews 12:1b+2a NIV
Journal prompt: Where in my life am I shying away from discomfort? What does it look like to instead embrace the growth?