Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
When I tell you that nothing is impossible for me, do you really believe that to be true? There are some situations that, from your perspective, feel like they’re never going to change but never is a very long time and I can overrule never in an instant!
That might not feel like your reality but are your feelings more powerful than the one who spoke the stars into existence? Of course not. I am more brilliant than you ever give me credit for! What needs to happen for you to really start believing me and taking me at my word?
Seeing is not believing. Believing is seeing! Believe – and let me help you in your unbelief. What are those areas of your life where your faith, your belief, needs an upgrade? What are you ready to believe me for again, right now today?
All of my promises are yes and amen. I have not changed my mind. Jesus is your certainty of that fact so let’s look again at every promise. Let me help you take me at my word and act like you believe every promise to be true and done from my perspective.
I say all this not to chastise you for unbelief but to call you higher. Yes, you could wait until the age to come to really embrace everything that I’m doing in your life but why wait? Why not take me at my word and embrace me in your life today? What might that look like?
It starts by knowing, really knowing, who you are to me and what those promises are that are done from my perceptive. Yes, this is an invitation to explore those promises again. We’ve not looked at them together for a while so why not today? Ask me, expecting an answer, and then let me help you in your unbelief so you can believe and see what I know already to be done in your life.