Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
Open yourself to receive my love. My love never leaves you of course; I am love and I am always with you. The invitation today however is to be open to receiving a new awareness of my love for you. There has never been a moment when you weren’t held in me, in love.
If you are a fish swimming in the ocean, I am the water through which you move. If you are a bird gliding with the current, I am the air under your wings. I am the blood that courses through your veins and the air that fills your lungs. In me you live and move and have your very being.
And it’s into that context that I’m inviting you to receive my love again today because my love is vital. You really cannot spend too much time pondering on what it means to be loved and known by the creator of the universe.
I know and adore everything there is to know about you. I perceive every movement of your heart and soul and I hear and understand every thought before it even enters your mind. I am so intimately aware of you, I can read your heart like an open book and I know all the words you’re about to speak before you even start a sentence!
I know every step you will take today, even before you leave the house. I’ve gone ahead of you to prepare the way and I follow behind you to spare you from the harm of your past. There is nowhere you can go that my love cannot reach you and I am right here in this moment with you.
I saw and knew exactly who I created you to be, long before you were a twinkle in a parent’s eye. Every single day planned for you in this lifetime was known and numbered before I laid the foundations of the world and every single moment of every single one of those days, I am thinking about you, showering you with my love. That’s how loved you are right now in this moment!