Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
I’m inviting you into a lifestyle of worship. True worship, where you move every day with me, placing your life before me as an offering, and embracing the daily nudges, the invitations.
I hear your heart and know the desire you have to see others moving with me but you don’t need to try so hard. No striving needed. Instead, simply step into life with me and trust that I know what I’m doing.
The more you navigate life with me, moment by moment, the easier it will be for you to walk out who I created you to be. If we’re always chatting, it would be almost impossible for you to step off the path.
Understand too though that whilst I see the end from the beginning, my path for you is not rigid. It’s also not guarded by high walls. You can move with ease and grace along this journey called life when you move with me. You don’t need to be scared or anxious about getting it wrong. Where could you go that would be too far for my love to reach you? You’re powerful but you’re not that powerful!
Life with me brings freedom and I would love to show you what that looks like in real and practical ways. Yes, there is much to be worried about in the world around you and no, I’m not suggesting you bury your head in the sand. Instead, lift up your head. Fix your eyes on Jesus and ask me what today’s troubles look like from my perspective.
Refuse to worry, it doesn’t serve you or make the problems feel any smaller. Rather, let me show you how you can be part of the solution. There are creative answers and ways of navigating this current season that you personally carry so embrace the daily nudges, the invitations, and move with me.
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