Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
I am the way, the truth and the life. The way, not a way. The truth, not a truth. The life, not a life. This distinction is vitally important because culture will tell you that you’re the way, that the truth is subjective and that life is what you make of it.
And then religion will get upset and, in a bid to try straighten things up, will throw a bunch of rules into the mix but that simply leads to more bondage, less freedom, and still no closer to my heart.
You were made to do life with me. Jesus is the expression and exact representation of my being, my invitation to the world, and the reminder of Whose you are. That’s the truth and the only way into real life, fully alive, fully human.
That’s why the focus is relationship first, always. As you grow in your relationship with me, you will see changes as you become more of the who I created you to be all along, the beloved child I saw before I laid the foundations of the world, but change comes from relationship, not the other way around.
You don’t need to first be who you were created to be in order for me to be willing to have a relationship with you. You cannot truly ever be who you were created to be unless you walk in relationship with me. It is literally impossible because the heart of who you were created to be is in relationship with me.
There are other aspects to your character of course but all of it is discovered in relationship, all of it grows from your position of being loved and known and held in me. That’s how vital relationship really is. Relationship first, always.