Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
No matter what you do today, when you partner with me, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’re in great hands. And no, I never tire of reminding you of this, I will never run out of things to say to you and I never grow weary of your questions. You cannot out-talk me any more than you can run too fast for me. How do you imagine that would even be possible?
When people talk about the risk of running ahead of me if they’re given too much of big picture or plan, they’re operating from a faulty premise. Yes, I know, you’ve expressed yourself in those terms before too and that’s okay. I’m simply happy to hear you expressing yourself - and now it’s time to straighten up some of your logic.
Let’s suppose for a moment that I gave you a long list of all your actions for the next three months, leaving aside the reality that I don’t prescribe every next step like a drill sergeant or controlling employer, what do you think you’d do with that list?
Argue with me about the need for some of the actions, maybe? Try and rush through the list as quickly as possible so you could get on to something else that you deemed more important? Put your head down and power through, barely coming up for air?
And where would I be throughout it all? Right here inside you where I always am. Me in you and you in me, remember? No matter how fast you might race through all of the steps, I’m still going to be right where I always am. It is impossible therefore, to outrun me!
The real danger of such a list, and the reason I instead ask you to trust me moment by moment, one step at a time, is what it would do to our relationship because if you’re powering through, where’s the space for us to talk? And I love talking with you. To do so brings me great joy!