Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Everything in your life is on purpose and for a purpose. Did I deliberately will all things into your life? No, but I allowed them. Can you be okay with that even when you don’t understand why? Are you prepared to let go of the need to understand everything before you can trust that I really am for you and that everything is ultimately working for your good?
And not just your good of course. I am moving and working all things together for good, without exception. Yes, in some situations that is going to take a while and no, you don’t need to worry about the timing. You simply need to flow with me and let go of the outcome.
And yes, I know that that’s not always a simple thing for you. You stepped into today with your own plans and agenda for the day and in the blink of an eye, that agenda has gone up like a puff of smoke! When you flow with me your agenda is sometimes going to take a battering. Can you be okay with that too?
I know you want to be okay with that, I know you and I hear you, remember? And sometimes it’s a bit of a struggle for you. Just because something isn’t always easy doesn’t make it invalid or wrong. Some of your greatest miracles have come from the other side of “not easy” and yet you’re able to be thankful for them.
What are those “not easy” but important things in your life today? Where am I inviting you to get back up and go again? If you’re still not sure, ask me.
Just because you’ve tried something multiple times doesn’t mean you’re destined to fail again. What if this time things are different simply because it’s a brand new day and you’re different? What if today is the day that changes everything?
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