Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
Every dream and desire I put inside of you is for a purpose. None of it is accidental or a mistake and those things you’re excited about seeing in the world, I am excited to see in the world too.
Since I put those dreams inside of you as an expression of my heart for you and the world, would it not make sense for me to also have a plan for how these dreams will come to pass? I’m not negligent or careless. I’m not cruel or unkind. I have no desire to stir your heart and then keep those dreams out of reach. That’s not how I operate.
And yes, I want us to explore your dreams together but those dreams that are as yet still unfulfilled are not currently out of reach in a bid to coerce you into exploring them with me. That is manipulation and that too is not how I operate.
Some of the pieces have been out of reach until now for your protection, to help you step into my very best for you. What you see as delay, I see as provision. What you see as failure, I see as merely a stepping stone. And where you feel disappointment, I am inviting you to press in and trust. Keep on keeping on. Don’t lose heart.
I really do know exactly what I’m doing and there’s coming a time when you will stand and look back in amazement at the journey we have travelled together. To the outside looking in, you will appear to be an overnight success story because they cannot see this moment. They do not have the history we have together. They have no frame of reference for the years you pressed in and did not give up. This moment is a part of our story.