Welcome to the weekend! How's your week been? What's gone well? What are you thankful for? Consider this your reminder to pause right now and take a moment to think about the pieces this week that have put a smile on your face.
And for bonus points, share what you’re celebrating in the comments or, Blue House members, create a post in The Playground. We love to celebrate with you!
Things we’re celebrating this week:
On Tuesday we had an interesting conversation about the importance (or otherwise, not everyone was convinced!) of writing your goals, dreams or vision for the season ahead. The replay is here.
In Wednesday’s Round Table we tackled the head junk around pricing. It was a great conversation! Replay here.
And coming up this week:
Summer camp continues on Tuesday at 1pm UK / 8am ET where Donna is bringing her friend Elaine into The Blue House to demonstrate spiritual direction.
On Wednesday at 1pm UK / 8am ET we have another gathering of The Round Table. At the time of writing, we don’t have a topic to explore so if you’d like to propose one, let me know.
Next Sunday (30th) we have our One Day event. (I’ll remind you of this in next week’s wrap email too so think of this as a little advanced heads up.) We’ll be digging into Philemon & Colossians together during two sessions: 2pm UK / 9am ET & 4pm UK / 11am ET.
Reminder: We’ll be meeting for all these sessions on Zoom via our usual Zoom link and you can find a reminder of that link inside the community event’s calendar.
With all that said, that's a wrap for this weekend. I'll be back on Monday with your next Holy Spirit love note. You’ll see a slight change in the format from Monday with each note including a journal prompt.
Remember, play with this as best serves you. You do not need to play catch up. This is simply a conversation starter for you to use as you feel led. No pressure!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Much love, El xox
P.S. "Things we're celebrating" is a new weekend collection of lovely things. If you'd like to be included, be sure to share the things that are making you smile in The Playground inside The Blue House.
P.P.S. If you don’t want to receive any more weekend wrap emails, click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of this email. You’ll see the option to stop the weekend emails whilst still receiving the daily love notes. Why? Because it’s always great to have options!