Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:
One thing at a time with me, that really is the very best way to move through all of life, and especially today. Why today? Because today is all there is. Yes, plan and schedule but not at any cost and not too rigidly. If you instead focus on this day, this moment, and what we’re going to explore together right now, you will not go wrong.
As you move with me through this day, you can be a shining example to the people around you. Yes, as you thrive you will point people to my goodness, point people into relationship with me. That’s the real beauty of moving with me, aside from the obvious benefits for you of course. But this isn’t just about you so why not move with me, have a fabulous day, and in so doing, share my love, wonder and provision with the people around you?
You really don’t have to buy into the world’s toxic lie of busy and hustle. It’s possible for us to do so many wonderful things together and to do so with a sense of freedom and lightness. What if, by moving with me, you could get to the end of the day feeling energised and excited? What if, instead of feeling depleted, moving with me allowed you to feel fulfilled?
That’s not a fantasy! It might feel far from your reality right now but if you keep checking in with me and allow us to navigate this one life together, it is possible to step into everything I have for you - and to have a great time doing it!
Not all distractions are bad but anything that pulls you away from my very best, even if it’s something very good and noble, is less than stellar. The very next time you find your attention being pulled by something, ask me about it. Ask me if it’s my best for you in this moment and if it’s not, let me help you avoid it completely. Conversation, checking in, asking questions … that’s what doing life together really looks like.