Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with a sense of the purpose on your life. You are alive at this moment in history for a reason. It is no accident and I have lavished you with the perfect collection of gifts for such a time as this.
Yes, you could remain silent. You could keep your gifts to yourself. You could play small - but that’s not what you were born for! When you release your gifts, when you show up and speak out, declaring light into the darkness, you bring freedom for your household and the wider world. Remain silent and everyone suffers.
I don’t say that to scare you into action. I’m showing you, again, the impact and influence you have. You make a difference. You carry Jesus everywhere you go. You are the only bible some people will meet and I need you to be ready.
“Ready” doesn’t mean reading another book or taking another class before you take action. There’s always more to learn, areas to grow, but grow as you go! Step out and prepare to be amazed at the miracles around you. You bring revival with every step you take - yes, even in your home.
Do you think it is an accident that you live where you live? No! I saw this moment, that home, as I spoke the foundations of the earth into place. You have a choice and I saw and knew this moment. That’s a puzzle I’m inviting you to embrace rather than solve. There are some things that don’t make sense to you and that’s okay.
Simply embrace this moment with me. Allow the excitement of purpose to propel you forward. Banish mundane and instead, ask me what adventures I’m inviting you into today. There is an adventure around every corner. You simply need to let me open your eyes, grab my hand, and let us step forward together.
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