Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Just like a masterpiece is created in the mind’s eye of the artist before one stroke of paint is laid on the canvas, so too did I see you before the creation of the world. I saw you and held you in my mind’s eye, dreaming of everything you would be and do and experience with me. I knew this moment, anticipated this moment, before one single star was spoken into being.
And just like the crowds flock to see the Mona Lisa, so too are you seen and celebrated every moment in the heavenly realm. I have an entire company of angelic beings tasked with enjoying your every move.
Yes, I have a lot of angels, I can spare a company to watch over you, and they delight in doing so just as I delight in you. Ask me to show you that protection and watch the next time you’re feeling a little defeated because you are never defeated. That is a lie from the enemy!
This moment is significant. I’ve been dreaming of this moment, painting it in my mind’s eye all the way back at the beginning of time. To you it feels unimportant, just like any other moment that has gone before, but it’s time to step into each moment with me and see things from my perspective.
This moment is the moment you start to see how incredible I am. And how incredible you are to me. The Creator of the universe smiles as you open your eyes each morning. I whisper sweet nothings as you sleep. You are that precious to me, yes.
Don’t ruin the moment with questions about “how?” I love your questions and I also want you to take me at my word. When I tell you that you are a delight and precious to me, treasured more than the greatest masterpiece, take that word, my word, and allow my truth to infuse into your whole being: body, soul and spirit.
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