Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Everything you need has been prepared for you. You feel sometimes that you don’t have enough time, wisdom or the best resources to move forward into everything I’ve been nudging you about. And I understand that from your perspective today, this is true but never forget Who you’re doing life with.
Why would I give you the heart for something if it was impossible? Nothing is impossible with me. Nothing. No thing. That’s not to suggest that I want you chasing after all manner of crazy ideas. I would love to share my heart with you, to tell you what I’m excited about, the things I had in mind for you when I hand-crafted you as I spoke the foundations of the world into place.
There is a plan and a purpose for your life and everything you need to bring that reality into the world around you is already in place. Your first instinct is to thank me and guess what? I love that! Take me at my word and thank me. That’s beautiful!
You can take me at my word. I am a good Dad and I am delighted to partner with you to help you step into my dreams for you.
As a parent, you’d never suggest to your children something that was beyond your means or outside of what was possible. Would any parent inspire their offspring to grow wings and learn to fly like a bird? Of course not! If you wouldn’t do that, why do you think I might?
I’m the ultimate parent, you on a good day times infinity! I know how to parent well. And so I invite you again to dream with me. Ask me what I saw as I created you. Ask me what’s on my heart for you. Ask me to paint you a picture of your life as I imagined it. And then let me help you step into the picture because everything you need is already in place. Take me at my word and then simply thank me.
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