Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Open your eyes. It’s time for an upgrade of all your senses. This world’s understanding of who I am is expanding. There is a collective ache, a deep-seated need for something more, some One more and you have a part to play in introducing your world to the One.
The easiest way for you to do that is through your understanding of Who I am. This is not like introducing someone to a friend of a friend where you rely on heresay and other people’s experiences. I want you to know me for yourself in a real and tangible way.
I am not far from you and I don’t hide myself from you like a game of hide and seek. I am wooing you with my love, calling to you through every available input. That’s why I remind you to pay attention to your inputs. Sometimes your world gets very noisy and you think it’s hard to hear me but I am with you in the noise too.
My glory is being made known in increasing measure throughout your world and it’s time to recognise me in places where you didn’t see me before. It is not hard to hear me when you recognise that I am with you and in you - and in the person standing opposite you.
I am moving. There is an increasing understanding of how brilliant I am, how good it is to do life with me. As you hear my heart and share my love, you are partnering with me to help fuel the increase.
You don’t need to be afraid or uncertain. Instead, simply keep doing life with me. Be open to every conversation. Move with me. Let me guide you and lead you in all things, including your words. Your words have power!
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