Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
I know that to some of the people in your life, your relationship with me and the way you can simply trust me and my words is ridiculous. You approach life with the lens that I am good, that I am love, that I am for you and not against you. That colours how you see things. Yes, colours in a delightfully positive and enriching way.
Know too that you are where you are as part of a journey, a process and as much as you might like to, you can’t strong-arm or willpower someone else to the same place you are. You’re made in my image and strong-arming definitely isn’t how I operate!
I am playing the long game, trusting the process and today I’m reminding you, inviting you, to embrace the long game. Unlike me, you don’t have the benefit of playing the long game with the fullest perspective of heaven. You can’t operate from heaven’s lens but the more you walk this out with me and hear my whispers to your heart, the more I can open your senses to see glimpses of that heavenly perspective.
That’s why I keep reminding you to guard your heart. It’s also why those inputs are so important. I am opening your senses and it’s vital that as I do that, you be mindful of everything you allow in.
This isn’t about rules and regulations. I’m not censoring what you watch or listen to. I can and do speak through all things, not just the things the world has labelled “Godly”. Just understand that whilst all things are permissible to you, not all things are my best for you.
You asked me to help you move in my best and I am taking you at your word. And just as I take you at your word, know that you can take me at mine. Ask me for a word for right now in this moment. Ask, expecting me to hear and answer you, because I’m not holding out on you. I love you and I am for you. Your greatest encourager and closest friend.
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