Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Everything has to happen in the fullness of time because all of it plays together to build the life to come. I saw you and knew you as I hand-crafted the earth. I couldn’t cut short my story because to do so would mean losing so much of its richness and beauty.
The age to come needs you. Yes, sit with that for a moment. Linger there.
You are not an accident. I saw this very moment. All of history has been leading to this moment. And yes, I’ll say the same tomorrow because everything fits together beautifully.
To think of the age to come without you in it makes me weep! And that’s not to say that you complete me. I created you because I could, because I wanted to. I am complete because I am. Before the foundation of the world I am.
Yes, I know that really is too much for you to grasp and that’s okay. Just know that you are precious to me and so whilst it might look like “same old, same old” to you, from my perspective, every moment has intent. Every moment matters.
When the fullest expression of my love is unleashed, it is going to be a glorious moment. Everything will finally make sense to you and the world will stand in awe, like ones whose memories have been restored, wondering how they could possibly have forgotten that love.
A love that has held them together since the beginning of time can never truly be forgotten forever. It’s simply that the work of the enemy has been to cloud eyes, close minds and hearts - but never forever dear one!
Mark my words … a time is coming when my love will be fully known and received. And until then, be you, in my love, radiating heaven into the darkness. Keep on, keeping on and don’t lose heart because I know exactly what I am doing and every moment is precious.
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