Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Get ready for me to surpass all your expectations! And no, you don’t need to waste energy trying to figure out what it’s going to look like. Keep following the nudges, one step at a time. Trust the ripples and allow me to work in incredible ways in your life.
Yes, I hear your cynicism and I forgive you. I know you feel like you’ve been let down, that I haven’t always come through for you, but you only see the pieces you think I haven’t done. You can’t see the things I stopped from coming at you, the times I protected you and worked things in your favour.
And yes, I hear your thankfulness too. Life is a journey and, delightful human that you are, you oh so easily flipflop between deep disappointment and magnificent wonder. I don’t judge you for the journey. Instead, let me walk alongside you and whisper my love and encouragement to you as you travel.
Know this … I want to be your greatest encourager and provider. When you need anything, what if you came to me first? When you feel uncertain or have questions, what if they reach my ears first? What if coming to me first was your default position?
And again, understand that I say this not to judge you. This is an invitation, drawing you closer, wooing you with my love. I’m trying to close the gap between where you think I need to be and where I want to be in your life.
There is nothing, not a single thing, that you can’t share with me. You don’t need to protect my blushes or hold your punches. I’ve been doing relationship since long before you were born and I am great at it! Try me for yourself and prepare to see just how good I am. I dare you!
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