Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
I am moving and working in all things with you to bring about all that is good. Even those times when your circumstances suggest otherwise, I am working for good.
I hear you, it feels difficult right now. There are aspects of your life where you don’t see how things can possibly be worked to good but you can trust me. I don’t make vain, empty promises. I don’t speak to fill the silence. All of my words have a purpose behind them and none of my words are redundant, ever.
I simply need you to hold on. Yes, I know you’ve heard that before and I recognise that it feels like a real test of patience but hang in there just a little longer. The miracle is coming. It’s already done from my perspective. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. And don’t give up!
When things feel difficult, the enemy will come at you with “did God really say?” And you’ll be tempted to focus on all the things that are wrong with where you are right now. I need you to fix your eyes on Jesus! Keep on keeping on. Don’t give up. Have faith and ask me for my faith.
Allow me to encourage you with dreams and visions of what is to come. My vision will sustain you, it will help lift up your eyes and give you courage and peace to your trembling heart. And know this … it will be magnificent!
You see glimpses of the miracle but just you wait and see and experience for yourself what’s next. I have so many wonderful things prepared for you!
And in the meantime, let me show you the joy and wonder in this moment. Dry your tears. Smile. Lift up your eyes, no need to be downcast.
I am right here with you in this moment and that is enough. I am enough. Nothing is too difficult for me. Nothing is outside of my love, care and provision so smile and know that I am smiling with you. You delight me and I love doing life with you!
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