Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Don’t get weary in well-doing! Fix your eyes on Jesus. Look to your big brother and don’t give up! You fear you’re back to square one, travelling around the foot of the same mountain because the terrain looks familiar. Ask me to open your eyes and let me really open them. Things might look familiar but you have not been here before!
Same mountain but higher up. That’s why you’re in danger of falling for the lie that everything looks the same. Familiar yes, but if you look closely you’ll see that your perspective has shifted.
And I’m calling you higher still. There is so much I’m yearning to share with you. That’s why I keep inviting you to bring so many questions to me. I love questions! Don’t think of the questions as another piece to overcome before you arrive or before you see my promises to you fulfilled.
I told you before … from my perspective the promises are already done. Walk tall. Speak my promises with confidence because they are done, it is finished. I have moved!
The questions aren’t about getting the correct answers. The questions are simply an opportunity for us to do life together. When you come to me open-hearted, you give me permission to share everything that is on my heart.
You’re wondering why your Creator should choose to be limited by your willingness to hear and seek me? Love. It’s always been about love and love that is not chosen, freely given, is no love at all!
I move through you at your invitation as a concrete, practical example of what it means to live and love and move in community. Yes, things would be much more efficient if I simply forced my will on you but at what cost? A cost far too dear!
I am love and it is vital to me that I show you what love really means, moment by moment, even at the expense of efficiency!
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