Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
This life is not all there is, there is so much more to come, so much more happening that you don’t see and yet as you step into this new day, I’m inviting you to embrace it as if this is it. If this day was all there was, if this next moment was all there was, how would that make things different?
Because yes, there is so much unseen and I am weaving a glorious tapestry that you only see a part of but if you live only in the promise of the unveiling of the final work of art, if you lose sight of the wonder and delight in this moment, you’ll waste this lifetime.
There’s a reason why the world keeps turning. There’s a reason Jesus hasn’t come back yet. There’s a reason why you are here right now. And yes, the age to come will be glorious and magnificent and a wonder to behold but this moment is precious too. I am in this moment. Never lose sight of that.
Do you feel a sense of tension between where you are today and the promises of tomorrow? Embrace that tension. If you live only for right here, right now, you will do nothing that helps build tomorrow. And if you live only for tomorrow you’ll miss me in this moment.
That’s why we keep walking this out moment by moment, day by day. There is beauty and wonder right now. Ask me to lift up your head, to open all of your senses, all your awareness, to where I am in this moment.
Embrace the moment and then ask me what we’re building together in this moment for tomorrow. That’s how you embrace and thrive in the tension. Moment by moment with me, creating delight.
And yes, when you start to get lost in the weeds, know that I’ll keep whispering you back to me in this moment because I love you and the weeds are not my best for you!
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