Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
Everything is coming together for good, you simply need to keep putting one foot in front of the other, hearing my heart and following the nudges. I know that’s easy for you to hear on a day that feels like it’s going well but the same is true on the days that feel challenging. Yes, harder to hear but still no less true.
On the days that feel lovely, celebrate my goodness. Relish the joy and delight you are feeling. There is nothing wrong with enjoying those feelings of contentment and peace. I came to bring you peace ultimately so the more you walk this out with me, the more I can help you experience that peace.
And no, that’s not to suggest that on the days that feel challenging you’ve done anything wrong, I’m not into victim blaming. I came to save you remember, not condemn you. Hear my heart: I love you. I am for you, not against you. And on the challenging days, I want to help restore those feelings of peace but know that I am holding you in the meantime. I never leave you. I am with you, always.
Even more important than peace though is love. You can love when peace is absent. You can love when everything feels delightful. You can love when you’re bored. You can love when you don’t really want to. You can love because I love and you are created in my image.
Better than that though … I want to help you! Closer than the air that you breathe, remember? Take a deep breath when something is challenging and know that I am right there with you. Breathe in, breathe out. I love you and am pouring my love into every situation you step into today. Why? Because love is who I am, it is my very nature, and it is holding this world together, one breath at a time.
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