Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
You don’t need to invest too much energy in wondering how or why things got to where they are today. The more you start to understand my heart, the more it bothers you how muddled humanity has got things but it doesn’t serve you to dwell on the past. You can’t change the past. I am in the right now and I am moving.
Instead of pouring hours into wondering why and how, what if you invested that time in hearing my heart for the here and now?
Yes, I know the end from the beginning and I knew therefore the mess that would be made but you don’t need to be afraid of the mess. There is beauty to be found as a result of navigating the mess. I am in the mess, slap bang in the centre of it with you.
The mess is not the end of the story however. There is so much more at play here, pieces you don’t see and can’t yet understand and you don’t need to invest time in understanding. Instead I am asking you to trust me. Trust my love for you. Trust that I am good.
If I am as good as I say I am, if I love you as much as I say I do, is it possible that all of this mess might make a difference and lead to something beautiful?
The real joy is to be found in life with me, regardless of the backdrop. Conversely, someone could be living in the most idyllic of locations, have their every need provided for, want for nothing, but without me it would feel meaningless.
They’d feel like something was missing because something, or more accurately Some one wasn’t part of their reality. I don’t hide myself from them, I’m always calling to them, that’s where the sense of missing comes from but without that intentional, expectant, relationship with me, their greatest encourager and very best friend, ultimate satisfaction will never come.
That is not what I want for you or any of my dear children so consider this your reminder of my very personal and deliberate love for you. Do life with me. Move forward with me. I love doing life with you!
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