Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
I’ve said this before and I’m going to say it again … not every battle is yours to fight. You wear yourself out when you try and control everything. It’s not what I’ve called to you. Yes, speak into situations when you’re invited to do so but if it’s something confrontational or something you feel like you have little control over, what if you checked in with me before opening your mouth?
And no, I’m not trying to make you into a puppet. You’re not a robot I want to programme to perform in a specific way. You’re a human being, not a human doing.
There are situations though that you allow yourself to get dragged into that really aren’t part of my best for you. And worse than that, when you get dragged into those fights, it depletes you for the battles that are yours.
Battle isn’t really the right word though. Yes, there is a war on but the real battle isn’t anything that you can see or consciously choose to step into or not step into. Instead, what if this is simply about you showing up, all you, all in, shining the light of my love with every step you take, every seemingly random conversation?
When you flow through the day with me, with love, there is so much more we can do and experience together. You can’t control every nuance of life and you’re not meant to. Instead, step into this moment with me and be you.
Share stories, do life with the people around you, help bring a smile to someone’s face, make the day a little lighter and more joyful for one of my children. That’s what I’m calling you to fight with. Let you being you be your superpower and on those days when you’re not sure what that looks like, ask me!
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