Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
As you step into this brand new day, know that I am always with you and yes, “always” is a very long time indeed! There is nothing about today that will catch me by surprise and I’m inviting you to let that be a blessing and an encouragement to you. You get to experience it within time and so there are things that are going to feel surprising or unexpected to you. Embrace each moment, safe in the knowledge that I have gone ahead of you and prepared the way.
And no, “the way” isn’t always going to be smooth or easy. There are moments you walk through that you’d quite happily never walk again, as is the case for all of humanity but what you’ll never see are the moments I’ve already protected you from. And even in the most challenging of moments, I am with you, leading and guiding you with my wisdom and love.
What if you allowed my wisdom to flow through you as you navigate this day? My presence isn’t simply about comfort. I can be very practical. No, I won’t give you easy answers or let you cheat on a quiz, where would be the fun in that? And no, I’m not suggesting you’d want to cheat but if you got every answer from me, it would seem like cheating to everyone else because yes, I’m even better than Google!
The practical from me I’m inviting you to enjoy is about navigating relationships. I know you and love you just as much as I know and love the very next person you’ll find yourself in conflict with. What if you let me help you smooth those troubled waters? What if you let me help you love better? What if every interaction was an opportunity for growth? Because that’s what I want for you, you and all my precious dear ones, but let’s start with you because you control you!
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