Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:
My peace is for everyone. You weren’t created for angst and frustration and overwhelm. Life with me is a life of peace. Not free of troubles in this lifetime, no, but peace that only I can give. The more you can walk this out with me, the more my peace can invade all of your senses.
There’s part of you I feel resisting the peace, like you believe it’s too good to be true. That’s not from me! That resistance is the enemy trying to cause you to doubt. “Did God really say?” It’s his only play!
You wonder what people will say when you share my message of hope. Some people will call you a dreamer or unrealistic yes, but don’t let that deter you.
You are a vehicle of hope and you can’t let other people stop you. Can you imagine what this world would look and feel like without my dreamers? It would be a very grim place indeed!
As you move forward into this next adventure with me, let me lead you. I know it feels counter-intuitive, you’ve been taught to be strong and independent, but you were never designed to live independently from me. Make use of the amazing mind I gave you, yes. Think and reason and puzzle things out - but do it with me. It will be so much more fun!
I am so much more than you ever dared believe possible. I am breaking out of the religious box. I only ever climbed in there so I could be closer to my kids but that box is getting old and worn. It’s not fit for purpose and it definitely isn’t me and my heart!
Some people cling to the box for dear life, fear keeping them trapped, but perfect love, my love, woos away all fear.
And yes, for some people it’s going to take into eternity to finally loosen the grip of religion but I am playing the long game. I will not be defeated by time.
Likewise, while the enemy plots and schemes, he too is already defeated. Jesus said it first … it is finished! It’s time for you to live a victorious life. No more playing small or dimming your light. This world needs you to step forward, fully alive, fully human, and embrace everything I am calling you into.
Ask me what that looks like. Explore specifics with me. I love you and I want to be known by you so try me for yourself. Taste and see that I am good. You will not be disappointed!
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