Sam Says
Begin again
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:20

Begin again

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

Take a deep breath. You can begin again in this moment. Breathe in and allow the reality of my love to fill you. I am closer than the air that you breathe – and even more vital! You are held together with my words.

My words have power and you, made in my image, have the power to speak life and joy into today. Stop believing the lie that you are depleted. You won’t always feel well rested, sometimes you need more sleep, an early night, but I am always with you. As such, you are never empty.

I can always empower you, help you to speak a loving word. One moment at a time, that’s how you navigate your one precious life. This life is not all there is but that doesn’t make this life, this moment, any less vital.

This moment ripples into eternity. There is a plan and a purpose to all of it, even the pieces you don’t understand. The pieces you don’t understand are even more significant because those are the moments you’re invited to trust. I honour that trust and do not take it lightly.

And so I remind you again … stop trying to figure everything out, you don’t need all the answers and every step clearly illuminated. You’re travelling with the light of the world! Trust that I can and will light every step you take with me. Yes, the light of my love is bright enough to illuminate the whole path but I choose not to do so for your good.

You do not need to know the end from the beginning. You simply need to know your next step. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Keep journeying with me. And smile. I want to help you enjoy the journey. This adventure doesn’t need to be torturous!

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