Sam Says
Delight in this moment

Delight in this moment

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

Life with me doesn’t need to be complicated or overwhelming. Yes, there are seasons when I challenge you and invite you to stretch. There are seasons when you feel like you have so many things to do and the list is long! But in all these things, in every season, the invitation is the same … with me.

And just because I’m nudging you into something new doesn’t mean you need to rush into doing all of it right away. You can enjoy this moment. There is a rhythm, a pace to how we do life together. You need to get better at allowing yourself to celebrate!

Celebrate with me. You are a human being, not a human doing. An organic living, breathing person – not a machine. Lists are useful so you don’t need to try and remember everything but they are not meant to control you. And when you check something off, that doesn’t mean you need to run straight onto the next task. 

Delight in this moment. Breathe in and breathe out. Smile. Read fiction. Lift up your head and look around you. Do something for the sheer joy of it. Yes, I know the things we’re doing together bring you joy but I need you to simply be. You can’t simply be when you’re rattling through your to-do list.

You’re constantly trying to get ahead of the next thing but I am in this moment. Pause in this moment with me. Time is precious yes but I want to make an example of you. I want you to thrive and when you do so, you point others to my love and goodness. How can you thrive when you feel like you’re constantly chasing your tail?

You are not late! You are exactly where you need to be because you’re moving with me. Trust that I know what I’m doing. Trust that I will not lead you poorly. Trust in my love – and delight in this moment.

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