Sam Says
Expect to thrive

Expect to thrive

Keep being you, in relationship with me and trust that I know exactly what I’m doing. You’re believing the lie that tragedy or really hard stuff is needed to bring your loved ones to me but that’s simply not true.

I move in the hard things yes, turning everything to my ultimate good, but I don’t need or will the hard stuff. It might sometimes look like I caused the challenges because I’m so great at turning them to good but they are not my will.

It’s so important that you catch this because if you keep holding onto this lie, you’re going to keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and find it so difficult to thrive. You know the promises on your life so if you believe the lie that the only way for those things to happen is through tragedy, it will taint the sweetness of this moment.

Don’t let that happen. Live in the joy of this moment. Take life at face value and expect to thrive. Expect to build a life of joy and delight that will point others to me. Yes, there will be challenges, that’s the reality of life in the current age, but don’t anticipate or second guess the challenges.

Live in me, live in love. Keep being you, in relationship with me and trust that I know exactly what I’m doing.

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” 1 John 4:11+12

Journal prompt: What lies have I been believing about the promises from you that I’m waiting on?

Thank you for enjoying today’s love note. If you know someone who’d benefit from it, please share - and thank you for doing so!


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