Sam Says
I broke the mould when I made you!

I broke the mould when I made you!

Your whole life is about exploring who I created you to be and doing that in relationship with me. When you live that exploration out loud, inviting others into the story, sharing what I’m doing in your life and how I’m moving, that is a beautiful, delightful thing. What if you did that even more intentionally, more deliberately?

Share what I put on your heart. Follow the nudges. Keep telling the stories. Be you and reject the temptation to compare yourself to anyone else because there is only one you. I broke the mould when I made you! When you live our story out loud, you draw others to my heart.

Your current context and journey make it easier now for you to do this but don’t take it for granted that others find it quite so easy. Instead, help other people see themselves and their context how I see them. Draw out the gold.

“I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14 AMP

Journal prompt: What are those things that are so easy or natural to me, I risk taking them for granted?

Sam Says
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