Sam Says
Let go and let God

Let go and let God

I’ve already invited you to let go of the outcome and simply take each step with me so why are you trying to control everyone else’s outcomes? The time you spend thinking through all the possible options is meaningless and definitely not part of my best for you so it’s time to stop!

What if you instead allowed me to be God in the lives of the people you care about? Talk to me about them of course and then trust that I know exactly what I’m doing in your life and in the lives of other people.

You’re not always going to like the choices other people make and not everyone is going to agree with your choices all of the time either but the more you move with me, trusting me to lead you and others, the more powerfully I can show up. And so I say it again … let me be God and trust that I know exactly what I’m doing.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 ESV

Journal prompt: God, show me those areas of my life where I’m clinging too tightly to the outcome. What would it look like for me to “let go and let God” today?

Thank you for enjoying today’s love note. If you know someone who’d benefit from it, please share - and thank you for doing so!


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