Sam Says
Relationship is my invitation

Relationship is my invitation

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

When all of life seems to be tumbling down around you, I will help you stand. It’s time to explore failure. When things go “wrong”, it’s never what you think it is. And that word “wrong” is so subjective and open to interpretation depending upon one’s perspective.

It’s always about perspective. The story changes everything! Yes, I understand that from your perspective, “something needs to give” and it will, but not always in the ways you expect. Keep showing up, one foot in front of the other, with me. That’s the focus, the priority.

When you do that, you are never “wrong”, regardless of the circumstances around you because you’ll be living slap bang in the centre of my best for you. You don’t need to be tossed and turned by the waves of life. Yes, tough stuff happens – and I’m right there with you in it.

Doing life with me doesn’t remove the tough stuff. Doing life with me gives you shelter, a place to run to, during the tough stuff. And yes, one day all the tough stuff will be gone, that day is coming, but you can strip the tough stuff of its power right here, right now, before the age to come, simply by doing life with me.

I can’t tell you how counter-cultural this is. It’s even counter to the religious culture. This is not what you were taught to expect life with me to look like. It’s time for that to change.

Instead of un-learning religious nonsense, what if you and others could introduce the world to relationship with me? That is possible and it is happening. Religion was your invention. Relationship is my invitation.

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