Sam Says
This day has a purpose!

This day has a purpose!

Today's Holy Spirit Love Note:

You think that it’s an accident, the way things fall into place in your day, but what if this day had a plan and a purpose? That’s the story of your whole life of course but how is that plan and purpose realised? One day at a time, one moment at a time, one choice at a time.

When you choose to start your day aware of my presence, don’t be surprised when things seem to start to line up. The more you allow us to actively be in partnership in your day, the more I can move. I’m not limited by your choices in the way you understand limited but I do choose to operate through you and that has some constraints build in as standard.

Yes, I could divinely zap all my plans and purposes into order but where would be the fun and love in that? You’re not a machine that I might programme to conform to a set of rules and order. You are made in my image! Beautifully hand-crafted with the freedom to create and choose and move and be. I love you! You delight me!

And that’s why I am happy to limit myself, to operate within the constraints of your day to day choices. But as you come alive to the reality of how I created you to do life with me, prepare to be amazed! There is so much we can do together and I am excited when you choose to say yes to that partnership.

How do you action that yes? You simply need to take one step at a time with me, that’s the only way to move. And I will guard your footsteps, protecting you in this moment – and the one after that and the one after that and the one after that!

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