Sam Says
What's on your heart?

What's on your heart?

Bring me all of your questions, every single one. What are those things that are troubling you? What are your worries and concerns? I know your heart and I know that there are things you’re choosing not to explore with me right now. Why is that? What are you afraid of?

What is the very worst that you are afraid could happen? And what if the very best happened instead? What if the plan and purpose for your life is even bigger and brighter than you ever dared dream possible?

And what if it’s not just about you? What if the things that are on your heart are the solution to someone else’s needs? You were never meant to play alone, this is all about community, doing life together as one body. Let me help you explore every aspect of the gift that is you and together we can turn this world upside down with my love!

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” - Matthew 6: 33+34 NLT

Journal prompt: God, what lies have I been believing about who you are to me? What is your truth?

Thank you for enjoying today’s love note. If you know someone who’d benefit from it, please share - and thank you for doing so!


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