Sam Says
You are part of the solution!

You are part of the solution!

Don’t let the apparent vastness of a problem overwhelm you. If you get overwhelmed you’ll end up paralysed and lose sight of the things you can do - and make no mistake about it, you are here to make a difference. You are a part of the solution, destined to bring hope and joy into places where darkness currently appears to rule.

Appearances can be deceptive. You really mustn’t believe everything you read, Instead, engage in all things with me. Let me be your filter as you navigate this journey. When you do that, I can show you the solutions, give you ideas that will be just what is needed at any given moment in time.

And yes, it begins right where you are. Who have I placed around you? Who can you partner and run with? This is not to be a solo endeavour. You were made for community, to do life as part of an “us” - and yes, that starts with your place within the “us” of Trinity.

But Adam needed Eve to grow and reach his fullest potential and you need other people too. Resist the temptation to isolate yourself. Embrace new friendships as they bloom - and let love, my perfect love, guide you.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NIV

Journal prompt: What are you saying? What’s the invitation?

Thank you for enjoying today’s love note. If you know someone who’d benefit from it, please share - and thank you for doing so!


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