Sitemap - 2022 - Youier

Today ripples into eternity

Today ripples into eternity

Stop running from discomfort

Stop running from discomfort

It’s time to stretch!

It's time to stretch!

What’s your identity?

What's your identity?

The only way

The only way

Loved, without exception

Loved, without exception

Give thanks, no matter what

Give thanks, no matter what

I’m sharing my advantage with you

I'm sharing my advantage with you

What adventures will we have today?

What adventures will we have today?

With me you’ll walk on water

With me you'll walk on water

We’re just getting started

We're just getting started

Shine brilliant one!

Shine brilliant one!

Love is the answer to everything that ails you

Love is the answer to everything that ails you

It is finished!

It is finished!

All things, without exception

All things, without exception

My joy is your greatest strength!

My joy is your greatest strength!

Relationship, relationship

Relationship, relationship

What’s my truth?

What's my truth?

Believing is seeing

Believing is seeing

You are a new creation!

You are a new creation!

Will you allow your mind to rest with me?

Will you allow your mind to rest with me?

What does day to day life with me look like?

What does day to day life with me look like?

Everything makes a difference

Love that surpasses all understanding

Love that surpasses all understanding

You make me smile!

You make me smile!

Embrace relationship

Embrace relationship

I’ve been waiting for this moment

I've been waiting for this moment

Can you expect the very best from me?

Can you expect the very best from me?

What are you expecting?

What are you expecting?

Abide in me

Abide in me

Not just good but even better?

Not just good but even better?

Take the next step

Take the next step

Lean on me

Lean on me

My heart aches for humanity

My heart aches for humanity

Come to me every time

Come to me every time

Can you partner with me to speak your world into order?

Can you partner with me to speak your world into order?

Rise up in my love and shine

Rise up in my love and shine

You can thrive

You can thrive

A season of opportunities

A season of opportunities

Play for the audience of One

Play for the audience of One

What is My truth?

What is My truth?

Love, because I am love

Love, because I am love

Anything is possible

Anything is possible

Seek a first hand relationship

Seek a first hand relationship

Me-helping you, you love

Me-helping you, you love

Embrace a life of love

Embrace a life of love

Wear love

Wear love

Increasing joy

Increasing joy

Your mind is my playground!

Your mind is my playground!

Linger here

Linger here

It is time to receive

It is time to receive

Lead from my love

Lead from my love



What's in your hands?

What’s in your hands?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

With me, no matter what

With me, no matter what

Aches and groans are more than adequate

Aches and groans are more than adequate

In this world, you are like Jesus

In this world, you are like Jesus

This is not the end

This is not the end

You were born for this!

You were born for this!

Take the next step

Take the next step

I want you to thrive

I want you to thrive

Your best year yet!

Your best year yet!

Lead with me, lead with love

Lead with me, lead with love

This is my will

This is my will

It will get easier with practice

It will get easier with practice

Stop trying to carry my stuff!

Stop trying to carry my stuff!

Start believing me for the impossible

Start believing me for the impossible

It really is all about relationship

It really is all about relationship

A specific invitation for this moment in time

A specific invitation for this moment in time

I saw this moment

I saw this moment

When have I ever let you down?

When have I ever let you down?

A happy coincidence?

A happy coincidence?

Shake off sleepiness!

Shake off sleepiness!

Who loves you most in all the universe?

Who loves you most in all the universe?

I never stop communicating with you

I never stop communicating with you

Different can be liberating!

Different can be liberating!

I rejoice over this moment with you

I rejoice over this moment with you

Dead or alive, my love will reach you

Dead or alive, my love will reach you

Live like you're free!

Live like you’re free!

Reverse the curse and get back to life with me

Reverse the curse and get back to life with me

Do you believe that I am good?

Do you believe that I am good?

Do you trust me?

Do you trust me?

Childlike wonder and delight

Childlike wonder and delight

Life is a great big adventure!

Life is a great big adventure!

Soak in my love

Soak in my love

You don't need a backup plan

You don’t need a backup plan

You're a part of the solution

You’re a part of the solution

It's time to reject fear!

It’s time to reject fear!

Take me at my word. Test me. Try me

Take me at my word. Test me. Try me

Refuse to worry

Refuse to worry

It's time to stand firm in who I created you to be

It’s time to stand firm in who I created you to be

What do I expect of you?

What do I expect of you?

Working for your good always and without exception

Working for your good always and without exception

Let me love the world through you

Let me love the world through you

Unapologetically unafraid

Unapologetically unafraid

Breaking off fear

Breaking off fear

Boring is not in my vocabulary!

Boring is not in my vocabulary!

Your words have power

Your words have power

Beauty in the mess

Beauty in the mess

I've got you

I’ve got you

Look to me

Look to me

Watch me move

Watch me move

Not every whisper requires an action

Not every whisper requires an action

Moving with the very best!

Moving with the very best!

What's a good question?

What’s a good question?

My love is the light of the world

My love is the light of the world

Every time you follow a nudge from Me you save a life!

Every time you follow a nudge from Me you save a life!

You're more protected than you know

You’re more protected than you know

Your finest work

Your finest work

I've got you

I’ve got you

What are you saying no to when you give your yes?

What are you saying no to when you give your yes?

Lean in

Lean in

A great big dose of my truth!

A great big dose of my truth!

Take me at my word and simply thank me

Take me at my word and simply thank me

I am that good

I am that good

A whole lot of fun!

A whole lot of fun!

All for your good

All for your good

You delight me

You delight me

Whose are you?

Whose are you?

Your true identity

Your true identity



It's time for an upgrade

It’s time for an upgrade

Let's explore this day together

Let’s explore this day together

Our time is precious

Our time is precious

Relationship is all I ever wanted

Relationship is all I ever wanted

You are vital!

You are vital!

Trust isn't a one time thing

Trust isn’t a one time thing

Don't lose heart!

Don’t lose heart!

As vital as oxygen!

As vital as oxygen!

What if there's a blessing in the different?

What if there’s a blessing in the different?

Lift up your head

Lift up your head

Let me lead and you’ll never go wrong!

Let me lead and you’ll never go wrong!

My vision for you

My vision for you

Everything good is a gift

Everything good is a gift

An invitation to grow

An invitation to grow

Real worship

Real worship

The mess never negates my promises

The mess never negates my promises

I didn't create you for mundane!

I didn’t create you for mundane!

It's not just about you

It’s not just about you

Show them my heart

Show them my heart

Take me at my word

Take me at my word

Do life with me today

Do life with me today

Who am I?

Who am I?

It's time for you to bloom

It’s time for you to bloom

I've taken up residence

I’ve taken up residence

A lifestyle of expectancy

A lifestyle of expectancy

Rooted and established in love!

Rooted and established in love!

Love from the overflow

Love from the overflow

Are you ready to let me lead?

Are you ready to let me lead?

Together we will change the world!

Together we will change the world!

Are you ready to play?

Are you ready to play?

Knowing and being known

Knowing and being known

Ready to step into the adventure of your lifetime?

Ready to step into the adventure of your lifetime?

You be you

You be you

You are spectacular!

You are spectacular!

Find yourself in Jesus

Find yourself in Jesus

Jesus changes everything!

Jesus changes everything!

What's stopping you?

What’s stopping you?

It starts today!

It starts today!

Let go and let God

Let go and let God



Expect great things

Expect great things

The very best choice you can make

The very best choice you can make

Embrace this moment with me

Embrace this moment with me

I am alongside you

I am alongside you

The fight is won!

The fight is won!

Reject the lie and come to me!

Reject the lie and come to me!

You will not be disappointed

You will not be disappointed

Time is precious

Time is precious

Pause with me in this moment

Pause with me in this moment

You can have big expectations of me!

You can have big expectations of me!

You will not be disappointed

You will not be disappointed

I am working for good

I am working for good

All my promises are yes and amen!

All my promises are yes and amen!

You are my precious one

You are my precious one

Nothing is off limits

Nothing is off limits

Open the box and let me in

Open the box and let me in

Move as I move

Move as I move

Love at the expense of efficiency!

Love at the expense of efficiency!

I'm meeting you where you are

I’m meeting you where you are

Fix your eyes on Jesus

Fix your eyes on Jesus

The moment has come

The moment has come

We knew this day would come!

We knew this day would come!

You are the object of my desire

You are the object of my desire

It is finished!

It is finished!

I'm right there holding your hand

I’m right there holding your hand

Give me your ducks!

Give me your ducks!

Love wins!

Love wins!

Hold onto hope - and don't let go!

Hold onto hope – and don’t let go!

The miracle is done!

The miracle is done!

It is time!

It is time!

I am celebrating you

I am celebrating you

Everything gets easier with practice

Everything gets easier with practice

I am moving, I am working

I am moving, I am working

Talk to me

Talk to me

It's always been about love

It’s always been about love

I love you, period

I love you, period

Trust the ripples

Trust the ripples

You delight me!

You delight me!

My best for you

It really is that simple

It really is that simple

Live in me, live in love

Live in me, live in love

Loosen up!

Loosen up!

What next?

What next?

Relentless in my pursuit of you

Relentless in my pursuit of you

Heaven is moving!

Heaven is moving!

I am in the room with you

I am in the room with you

There is nothing light or frivolous about my heart for you!

There is nothing light or frivolous about my heart for you!

An unfair advantage?

An unfair advantage?

Our journey together

Our journey together

I am in this moment

I am in this moment

A life I can flow through with wild abandon

A life I can flow through with wild abandon

I’m speaking right now & always

I'm speaking right now & always

Is God really a good Dad?

We’re going after fear together

We're going after fear together

I really am always speaking

I really am always speaking

Alone is an illusion

Alone is an illusion

Move with me

Move with me

Less really is more

Less really is more

Hearing my heart is key

Hearing my heart is key

I’m in your dreams too

I'm in your dreams too

Get ready to love!

Get ready to love!

One question I love to answer directly …

One question I love to answer directly ...

Ask – and prepared to be delighted!

Ask - and prepared to be delighted!

Stop putting so much pressure on yourself!

Stop putting so much pressure on yourself!

I’m not intimidated by raw emotions

I'm not intimidated by raw emotions

What if you expected even more from me today?

What if you expected even more from me today?

An invitation to step into your identity!

You can have fun with me!

You can have fun with me!

Real life, not religious life

Real life, not religious life

Embrace your humanity

Embrace your humanity

You’re never too anything for me

You're never too anything for me

You control you!

You control you!

You are a joy and a delight to me

You are a joy and a delight to me

Don’t despise the seed!

Don't despise the seed!

I adore every inch of you!

I adore every inch of you!

Incredible – yet closer than the air that you breathe

Incredible - yet closer than the air that you breathe

Pause with me in this moment

Pause with me in this moment

Time with my heart is never wasted

Time with my heart is never wasted

You make my heart sing big!

You make my heart sing big!

I love you so much – yes you personally

I love you so much - yes you personally

I love to show you off!

I love to show you off!

Saw you, knew you, with you

Saw you, knew you, with you

As old as the stars!

As old as the stars!

I am in this moment

I am in this moment

Bringing exactly what you need before you know you need it

Bringing exactly what you need before you know you need it

Loved, treasured and adored crazy person

Loved, treasured and adored crazy person

Slap bang in the centre of my love

Slap bang in the centre of my love

Every moment is precious

Every moment is precious

My original design and intent

My original design and intent

The joy is not in the backdrop

The joy is not in the backdrop

With you in the mess

With you in the mess

Embrace the long game with me

Embrace the long game with me

Bring all things to me

Bring all things to me

Dreaming is beautiful

Dreaming is beautiful

Distraction is not resting

Distraction is not resting

Nothing is accidental

Nothing is accidental

You will not be disappointed

You will not be disappointed